Saturday, 29 May 2010

What is Conversational Hypnosos?

"Your hypnosis worked, Kate. How did you do it?

As a therapist, hypnosis has proved to be an invaluable tool. Or, to be more exact, "Conversational Hypnosis" has been that invaluable tool. It's a technique that SWAT Team Specialists are being taught. And now it's the hottest new thing with top salesmen.

The most astounding fact is -- anyone can do it. But how?

The power of NLP and Hypnosis have radically changed peoples lives...

NLP is pretty easy to learn BUT mastering everyday conversational hypnosis has always been a serious problem.

The undisputed master of hypnosis (and the source of a surprising number of patterns in NLP as well) was Dr. Milton H. Erickson.

The thing is very few people have ever been able to master hypnosis like Erickson, let alone be able to successfully teach it to others.

Especially Conversational Hypnosis.

That changed with the release of "THE POWER OF CONVERSATIONAL HYPNOSIS".

It's by maverick hypnotist Igor Ledochowski, the author of the "Deep Trance Training Manual" and a world renowned Hypnotherapist trainer.

It's the most ADVANCED course ANYWHERE on conversational hypnosis.

In fact here's what hypnotic marketer, certified hypnotherapist and star of the NLP inspired hit film "The Secret" says about it...

"I didn't believe this material would be that good, but it turns out to be a breathtaking course on using hypnosis in everyday conversation.

"I've never seen or heard anything this complete, powerful, or convincing.

"I love it."

Dr. Joe Vitale -

One of the reasons Dr. Joe Vitale loves this course is because he discovered secrets like...

* The entire Conversational Hypnosis Protocol, Igor's most closely held and powerful teachings.

* The powerful "hypnotic triple" command that SWAT teams use to force compliance...even in a fire-fight with hardened criminals.

* How an instant rapport technique will get even total strangers to open up to you...reveal their inner longings...and give you all the clues you need to persuade them to do as you say.

* The conversational way to get a sales prospect to imagine the intense feelings of owning what you are selling, so they naturally feel compelled to buy right now!

In fact you can help them intensify the feelings so strongly that all objections simply melt away.

* The easiest way to join the elite group of "hypnotic persuasion experts" by using their secret patterns for influence...(it's easier than you think)

* Create an instant trigger to unleash your targets deepest desires...and how to point them in your direction...(Igor's innovative techniques are more refined and more powerful than any other)

* A simple trick that creates amnesia for any objection your target may have to your suggestion...they simply forget to remember what it was that might have stopped them from following your suggestions.

* What it means when your target "talks with their hands" and how to use their gestures to literally get inside their head.

* How to know if a target is "talking to themselves" with internal dialogue...and how to join that dialogue so your voice seems like it comes from inside their own mind!

And that's BARELY scratching the surface...

So do check it out now, while you can, I promise you won't be disappointed.


Kate Falken...

Kate Falken has been a marriage counselor and sex therapist for over 25 years. To read more about modern marriage therapy, see SAVE MY MARRIAGE TODAY!

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

What Is Hypnosis?

Figuring out what Hypnosis is?

Metaphysical & Spiritual

There is yet another side to hypnosis, the metaphysical. This point of view is fascinating to many people because it involves very deep questions we have about ourselves. Have I lived before? Where do we come from, where are we going? Philosophically and mystically oriented individuals wonder if the mind can remember incarnations and spiritual memories. This particular line of thought is based on the premise that our inner mind remembers every moment and every event beyond our current incarnation. Other metaphysical thought ponders if the "Subconscious" mind is just a label for the conduit of the collective consciousness of the universe. Others speculate whether going into the state of hypnosis enables our consciousness to tap into psychic powers. You may have heard the term "Regression" but most people are unaware of the term "Progression" as it relates to hypnosis. Where regression is going back in time and remembering long lost events, progression is moving into the future and seeing what lies ahead. We c an wonder if this explains how the great psychics like the Nostradamuses or Edgar Cases of the world accurately predicted the future or whether gifted children labeled as "Prodigies" have retained the information and skills from a past life. Speculations such as these are abundant and add to the mystery, acceptance, and lack of acceptance of hypnosis and of those who practice hypnosis in a clinical way. You can see why some people may balk at the idea of seeking a Hypnotherapist.

From what I've witnessed, with the use of hypnosis we can discover who we really are. We can become in tune with the forces that are around us which most of the time we are unaware of or ignore. Religion and faith are both good and necessary in my opinion, a lot of our knowledge in this area being based on ancient texts and stories. If one gets a feeling or intuition while reading these religious writings the validity for that individual is solidified even more strongly. However, some people require proof about the spiritual world. Can we gain insight into the universe and ourselves by using other methods? With the use of hypnosis, can learning more about ourselves through an "Inner Journey" shed new light on who we are, where we're going, and who we've been in the past?


Now, let's talk about the therapy point of view, the clinical side of hypnosis. The clinical side of hypnosis deals with the manipulation of a natural state of mind. The point is to enhance that state of mind and to eliminate negative behaviors, feelings, perceptions, emotions, and greatly help or cure physical problems. This point of view maintains that everything is a perception and that any negative perception will greatly affect one's emotional and physical health. Also unresolved emotion that builds in the subconscious mind can trigger many problems, but how does hypnosis really help in this regard?

Does negative unresolved emotion directly contributes to vast amounts of illnesses? Is this a lasting cure or only temporary? Through the use of hypnosis is it possible to correct these problems? How can hypnosis do any of this?

So you see that simple word hypnosis conjures up all kinds of different thoughts and ideas doesn't it? As a hypnotist, I want to state that you have stumbled upon something that is better than finding a buried treasure chest. You hold in your hands a discovery of monumental proportions! Who are we? Where do we come from? These are very real and very old questions pondered throughout the ages. Can we heal ourselves? Do I have to continue to live with so many emotional and physical problems?

These are very interesting questions to be sure and ones that you may be able to answer after reading the words in this text. If you only knew what I know, if you could see what I have witnessed, and by reading this book you will! Let's now explore this fascinating subject - "Hypnosis."

An excerpt from Hypno Healing by Tim Bartley CH

Tim Bartley is a certified hypnotist and hypnosis trainer. He has now added author to this by writing his first book Hypno Healing.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Achieving The Hypnotic State

The "induction" is the first part of the hypnosis process. It is a relaxed trance-like state, much like daydreaming or meditating. Have you ever been the middle of listening to someone and then drifted off to somewhere else? Or be engrossed in a book to the point where two hours have gone by without realizing it? It's that half-awake feeling as you drift to sleep. These are the altered states of mind or trance states

There are many misconceptions have about the power of hypnosis. Hypnotists that 'perform' on the stage are for entertainment only. You cannot be made to do anything, say anything, or behave in any way that you do not want to. Your sense of morality and judgment about right and wrong cannot be affected. You are always in control during a hypnotic trance. Just like you are in a fully wakeful state. You need to 'agree' to go into a hypnotic state. You can't be put there by coercion.

Induction prepares the mind and body to go to the next stage of the hypnotic process, a state of complete relaxation. To alter your awareness state, a combination of techniques may be used. Breathing, relaxation, visualizations, use of metaphors or bombarding the critical mind with an overload of information can all induce the mind to start to alter its state of awareness.

There are all sorts of gadgets that create moving shapes or noises, but they are just gimmicks. When it comes to listening to self-hypnosis audio recordings, there is no concrete evidence that using headphones with two different voices in stereo sound, overlaying of voices one on top of another, subliminal messages, or special sound effects, actually increases the success of the process at all, on the contrary, these effects can often be most annoying, and rather than allowing the listener to focus on the voice, they can actually create such a distraction that the process ceases to work.

Read more at Enhanced Living With Hypnosis

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Hypnosis To Give You The energy

Author: Terry Doherty

From elite athletes to Sunday joggers, the ability to maintain energy levels and drive to succeed can wax and wane on a regular basis. Training schedules reflect goals and plans. A marathon schedule, for example, often contains several types of runs. During the week interval training takes precedence when time is limited. At the weekend, long runs are a key element of marathon training and can take from two to three hours at a time. In order to remain motivated, the mind and body must be aligned in order to make it out the door.

An athlete can perfect their diet. You can utilize calories in and calories out. Protein bars, energy drinks, these are all ways one can improve and boost energy levels. However, the mental element of finding the way to achieving maximum energy and performance is often the toughest aspect.

Getting a good night sleep, resting, and hypnosis are three tools that can maximize mental performance before a marathon, big match, or any type of event which demands your maximum physical and mental performance. Hypnosis and the power of suggestion can optimise performance.

During a typical hypnosis session the athlete might receive suggestions that vary from increasing concentration amidst distraction to focusing on allowing muscles and ligaments to remain healthy and injury free. NLP, or Neuro-linguistic programming, has been shown to help motivation levels and thus keep energy levels high. Hypnosis and NLP reach the subconscious; they work against all of the negative energy that might be limiting.

Hypnosis and NLP has worked wonders with both individuals and teams. In team atmospheres, hypnosis can help to make teamwork even more effective as team members become more self-aware and thus more aware of others.

Athletes who have experienced hypnosis describe their post-hypnosis training sessions and competitions as more focused, more productive, and more invigorated. These feelings aren’t just experienced directly after the hypnosis session, but long into the future, with some maintenance work on breathing and self-hypnosis.

Some of the top athletes in the world use NLP and hypnosis to achieve maximum performance. Golfer Tiger Woods uses the technique to remain focused in competition. Tennis champion Jimmy Conners reportedly used hypnosis before some of his biggest matches.

Well-reputed licensed hypnotist Terry Doherty offers athletes custom developed hypnosis and NLP to help reach and achieve their goals. Terry has helped both teams and individuals improve their attention span and concentration through the power of suggestion, relaxation, and focus. Travelling directly to the homes and gyms of athletes, Terry has worked throughout Great Britain and Europe.

Article Source:

About the AuthorTerry Doherty works all over the UK working extensively with individual and business clients helping clients to stop smoking, manage weight, manage stress, become more confident and helping change many other behavioural issues. Terry uses the latest techniques of hypnosis, NLP and life coaching skills for profound change. He can be reached at

Monday, 17 May 2010

How Your Brain Works During Hypnosis

Have you ever noticed that the planner or controller of a group is considered not just the leader but the brains of the operation; they are someone who always makes others do what they are expected to do. In reality, the human brain truly operates like this. During hypnosis, it even gets a life of its own.

The brain, anatomically, is a giant blob of gray matter divided into three parts: the medulla oblongata, cerebellum, and cerebrum. The medulla oblongata has control over automatic body functions such as the heart beat. The cerebellum has control over coordination and the nervous system. The cerebrum controls all high levels of thinking and operating.

Aside from the biology, most people consider there to be two parts of the brain, the right side and the left side. To any hypnotherapist, the brain, more specifically the cerebrum or thinking part of the brain is divided into the conscious and subconscious.

The conscious mind is the section of your mind that is aware and actively thinking about whatever is in front of you. The subconscious part of your mind in a type of repository for neural pathways, memories, and even thoughts that are continually recorded and cataloged.

The subconscious records every single activity as it happens, whether you are consciously aware of it happening or not. This is why you can have fuzzy recollections or ideas about something that has happened but do not really remember it or cannot explain a specific reason for it.

The conscious mind is made of what we do and decisions it makes during every waking moment. Behind it (or beneath it - depending on how you look at it) is our subconscious mind, which advises the conscious mind when making decisions based on past habits and experiences. You can often get a glimpse of your subconscious mind at work through dreams, which is when your brain will organize all of its randomly occurring thoughts and memories.

During the process of organizing thoughts and memories, as well as recording them, some get lost in the mix of the neural pathways. This is where hypnosis either on your own or with a professional can be effective in controlling the subconscious mind and what it is thinking.

Hypnosis also can remove negative thoughts and neural patterns along with habits that have become embedded very deep in the subconscious mind.

Meditation is often linked with hypnosis; and while they are completely unique and independent from each other they do overlap in terms of brain activity. This is actually proven to be true when measuring the brain during hypnosis and mediation using brain scans like an EKG.

The large difference lies in the outcome. Meditation focuses on relaxation and introspection whereas hypnosis tries to achieve a specific goal by utilizing the hypnotic state coupled with the power of suggestion.

Would you like to experience a hypnosis session for yourself? Then pop over to and claim your FREE hypnosis recording. You will also get a brand new hypnosis MP3 every single month delivered straight to your inbox to help you continue to access your inner resources.

From Rachel Ford - Clinical Hypnotherapist & Personal Change Coach

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Can Hypnosis Really Work?

Author: Richard Lifeswayz

Hypnosis does indeed work and is used widely by many therapists to help people overcome phobias, lose weight, stop smoking and discontinue bad habits. Anyone can be hypnotized but some will be more susceptible to this trance like state than others. The hypnotic state is one that is trancelike and the actual word hypnosis is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘nervous sleep’. This is actually incorrect because when a person is hypnotized they are in state of consciousness that is difficult to define. Hypnotized people are aware yet unaware and their minds can be manipulated by the hypnotist. Suggestion is used while people are hypnotized for therapy to quit bad habits smoking, or other healing as mentioned above. So yes, the answer to does hypnosis really work is a positive one. Why is there so much secrecy around hypnosis? Many consider hypnosis a form of brainwashing and are totally against any form of hypnosis for this reason. In a hypnotized state a person is not fully in control of them selves and can th us be manipulated. You will also find that although there is tons of information it is difficult to really find out the true ways of learning how to hypnotize people because it can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Underground Hypnosis course are available but they will not come cheap for obvious reasons. It takes dedication to learn hypnosis techniques and this is a skill that must be used responsibly. A master hypnotist can hypnotize susceptible people quickly using underground hypnosis techniques and the average person can also learn self hypnotism to better their quality of life. Considering the above paragraph the answer does hypnosis really work is once again yes it certainly does. Is self hypnosis effective and what is underground Hypnosis? Many people have used self hypnosis to achieve their goals in sports, get promotions at work, better their health and well being and improve their relationships. Underground hypnosis is a combination of hypnosis techniques, NLP Seduction, and asocial engineering t hat makes it possible to influence people. Underground hypnosis stirred a huge controversy a while ago and this is the reason that it has become a course that only a select few can get their hands on if they know where to find it. This hypnosis technique was also labeled black ops hypnosis, brainwashing, and was even labeled a scam. Those that invested in underground hypnosis will tell you otherwise but will rather keep mum about it. Hypnosis can be used to better your life and if you are shy, lack self confidence or an under achiever then you will do well to invest in learning covert underground hypnosis. Does underground hypnosis really work you will ask. To this question the answer is to find out for your self. Off the Track Hypnosis Information on hypnosis is vague and this is how the experts want to make it seem. When you read the many articles on hypnosis they will make it sound like it is not really worth pursuing. This is something they want everyone to believe and they have convinced people that h ypnosis is not really something special and useless to the average person anyway. Interesting don’t you think?

Article Source:

About the AuthorRichard has been researching the lifestyle, beauty and weight loss markets and reviewing relevant products since 2005. You will find these articles to be excellent guides, with tips and useful information to enjoy a better quality lifestyle. More About Underground Hypnosis

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Can Hypnosis Help With Blushing?

Author: Mark C Roberts

Excessive blushing is a relatively common problem that many people endure. The condition can be embarrassing, leading to even more redness in the face. Merely anticipating a blush can lead to a facial blushing. Many people want to stop blushing but they simply do not know how. Shyness Many associate facial blushing with shyness. While many shy individuals experience problem with blushing, the two conditions may exist independently of one another. A shy person does not necessarily blush easily. Blushing, however, is an indicator that a person is shy by nature. Some people can easily identify a shy person because of blushing problems. This doesn’t mean that everyone who blushes is shy. Social Phobia Excessive facial blushing can also be an indicator of a social phobia. The individual is so overwhelmed with certain situations that he becomes red in the face. Blushing is not significant in the diagnosis of a social phobia. A person with social anxiety or social phobia exhibits a number of different symptoms. Blushing is just one of several criteria that must be met in order for a diagnosis to be made. Severity Blushing problems come in a wide spectrum of severity. Many people have no problem with the occasional blush. They may adopt it as an endearing aspect of their personality. These cases are quite simple and do not interfere with everyday activities. Those who experience excessive blushing may feel overwhelmed. They may try to avoid social situations and it can interfere with the person’s ability to function properly on a daily basis. When to Seek Help There are a few approaches to consider when you want to find ways to stop blushing. The first step is to determine when to seek help. The very thought of wanting to address this problem is a serious indicator that you are ready to choose a treatment approach. If your tendency to blush is so overwhelming that it causes you anxiety, then it is time to seek help for the condition. There is no need to feel stress about a condition when there are simple approaches that can help you overcome it. The thought of blushing may interfere with your daily activities. You may avoid approaching people because you are afraid of turning red. If you avoid social situations for fear of blushing, you may be ready to seek help. Some people seek help for the condition when they feel it interferes with their careers. High profile positions call for confidence. Blushing can disrupt your confidence. Your Options There are a few choices to consider when addressing this problem. You can opt for invasive surgery or medications. These approaches may not be appealing to anyone who wants to avoid anything extreme. Side effects of the medications are another consideration to make. Hypnotherapy is another approach that is noninvasive and has no side effects. This is a favorite therapy for people who want to stop blushing. Using Self Hypnosis To Conquer Your Blushing Problem As previously mentioned, hypnotherapy can be effective in helping those with a blushing problem to overcome it. You can acheive this through Self Hypnosis Recordings. One such recording is Stop Blushing by Debbie Williams; this excellent recording has Williams' ten years of experience and clinical expertise and comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee. For recordings based on other anxiety related issues or for simply more information on self hypnosis recordings follow this link: Stop Blushing Hypnosis

Article Source:

About the AuthorMark Roberts has been personally and professionally interested in self improvments and hypnosis for many years.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

How to Gain Self Esteem Through Hypnosis?

Author: orkhan ibadov

How can you gain self-esteem forever? In this article, I will show a powerful 30 day hypnosis plan to improve your self esteem and confidence. How can you gain self-esteem and confidence through hypnosis? Well, you want to improve your self-esteem permanently, not for today or tomorrow. So, you need to reprogram your subconscious mind. You will do it with Self-Esteem Hypnotic Induction (hypnotic induction - is the process by which hypnosis is realized). You are going to get the following results with Self-Esteem Induction: - Rid yourself of past negative programming. You need to rid yourself from the parental judgments that labeled you wrong, bad or dumb in the past. You must see yourself positively and banish the critic in your subconscious. - Improve your self-projection. You need to think that people see you as a good friend, they want to speak to you, they are interested in what you say, people notice you and regard you as a wonderful person. - Increase your confidence and self-acceptance. You need to think positively about your mind, intelligence, creativity, abilities and talents. - Change your perspective on your relationship to a given problem. You need to stop making roadblocks for yourself. You must change the way you see the problems and think positively. Now, it is time to start using the self-esteem induction for high self-esteem. Below, I have created an easy to follow, proven and powerful self-esteem induction and hypnosis plan for you. Here is what you should do now: Firstly, read and record the induction below with your own voice, listen to it and follow the suggestions in this induction daily for about 30 days. Then, when you notice a significant change in your self esteem, self perception and confidence, use this induction whenever you feel the need for reinforcement. If you honestly follow the induction with this plan, then you will gain self-esteem and confidence forever and will never have low self-esteem. This is promise. Ok, now start following the induction below and pay attent ion to each suggestions and sentences carefully. Self-Esteem Induction begins: - Now see a blackboard with uncomfortable labels you were given to you in the past, the labels that slowed you down and failed to reflect the wonderful, strong, and good qualities you have, and now see those labels on the board and now see each one and take an eraser and erase those labels from the board, just erase each of them, they have no meaning for you, none at all and now the blackboard is blank and you write anything you want to write, and now you take the chalk and you write the words that describe yourself... You write confident...valuable...important...and...skilled. Now you write other words to describe yourself. Look at those words. And now begin to imagine yourself standing tall, proud of who you are. You are fine. The way you look and act and think are fine, they contribute to making you the wonderful person you are. Imagine yourself experiencing a new and healthy energy that helps you to accomplish all that you n eed to do. For a moment, just reflect on all of the positive aspects of yourself: your creativity, your intelligence, your talents. See yourself as a positive person. Just imagine yourself speaking to co-workers, bosses or employees. See yourself confident, very confident, you are certain of your correctness, your talents, your appeal, your conversation with others is easy, people are interested in what you are saying, they notice and regard you as a wonderful person, just imagine projecting yourself in the most positive way, assertive and self-assured. You will approach problems with these thoughts: "I can do it," "I have the energy," "I'm just right for the job," "I can take charge," "I can solve this." You are confident, capable, talented and you have appeal. You are kind to yourself, you no longer have time for negative thoughts or feelings, you fill your mind with positive ideas, productive goals and you look at life as an adventure". Self-Esteem Induction ends. Remember: Self hypnosis is the best wa y to regain and improve your self-esteem and confidence. So, if you follow the Self-Esteem Hypnotic Induction, you will gain wonderful self-esteem and confidence forever. I wish you success on your way of high self-esteem.

Article Source:

About the AuthorOrkhan Ibadov is a professional hypnotist who teaches you hypnosis and self hypnosis secrets to improve your life. Orkhan invites you to learn more hypnosis techniques on his popular hypnosis site at

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Self Hypnosis Can Help You Heal Yourself

Author: J Seymour

Self-healing begins in the mind. Your personal touch can ease you to heal faster than you ever dreamed possible. This augmentative approach can be used in conjunction with medicine or other medical interventions. The first step is to consult your physician. Empowerment Through Knowledge You can empower yourself by setting an appointment with your physician in order to assess your situation. Together, you can create a comprehensive plan of action that includes healing self-help along with the specific interventions prescribed by your doctor. This process is empowering because there is little or no question of your condition. You are better able to address your health and develop the ability to heal when you are fully aware of your condition and the proper interventions. Using self-hypnosis is the ideal augmentation for many reasons. Treatment Plans Your plan of care developed by your physician can be very difficult to follow, especially if it involves major changes in lifestyle and diet. Self-hypnosis helps y ou make the right choices by rehabilitating you through the subconscious mind. This process is seemingly effortless and you can achieve excellent results in your efforts. Your habits can play a big role in your inability to heal quickly. They can hinder your progress significantly if you are unable to overcome them. Hypnosis is a powerful tool that assists you in developing new habits including following your plan of care carefully. Self-Healing Help Taking a comprehensive approach is ideal because you are able to use the power of your mind in order to overcome your illness. The medical community recognizes hypnosis as a viable intervention that can assist you as you reach the right state of mind for recovery. The trick is to find the right recording to suit your specific needs. Your ability to heal is partially dependant on your state of mind. Stress and anxiety feed illness while positive relaxation fosters the ability to heal successfully. This approach in combination with your medical treatment plan offer s a viable solution to your condition. The brilliant self-hypnosis recording by Duncan McColl found here - Self Healing - offers the support you need to heal yourself quickly. The late hypnotherapist has a strong legacy as a guide who is still renowned for his natural talent. You can also opt for a combined effort created by Tina Taylor and Nick Kemp who offer a combination of their unique talents in two hypnosis sessions. This excellent compliation is available here - Healing Self Help. Other outstanding hypnosis recordings are available here - Healing Self Help. Just click the links for more information.

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About the AuthorJ Seymour writes for a number of hypnosis and NLP related websites such as - an online self hypnosis shop based in the USA, - a site in the UK which both offers one to one hypnotherapy sessions and hosts a self hypnosis recordings shop, and - a hypnotherapy and NLP site based in Australia.