Have you ever felt afraid - I mean so much so that it prevented you from doing something you really wanted to do? Believe it or not, this is more common problem than you may think and is faced by many people daily.
Fear has such power that it can prevent you from doing the things you want to. Sailing, following your dreams, skydiving, even achieving success, whatever. It can hold you back from the quality of life you desire if you allow it to control you long enough.
Many people don't realize that fear is nothing more than natural reaction to a frightening or unfamiliar situation. While you usually feel this with no conscious effort on your part, there are things you can do to help overcome it.
Expecting negative results from something feeds your fear. Worrying about what could go wrong doesn't help. Concentrate on a positive outcome and what you can do to make it happen.
Make a conscious effort to expect the best by looking for the positive in every situation. And if fear does manage to creep into your consciousness, keep it in perspective and balance it against an underlying sense of confidence.
It's easy for someone else to tell say "don't worry about it" or "it'll be fine", easy for them to say. This may be true, but it sure doesn't feel that way at the time. However if you deal with your fear as it arises, you may be able to keep it under control.
For example, most people have a fear of public speaking. Now your boss wants you to give a presentation at work, what are you going to do? Quit? You might feel like your life is on the line. Or at least your job. You may feel to look inadequate to your co-workers.
Will this happen? Most likely not. So instead of worrying about the "what ifs" focus on ways to help your presentation. Be well prepared, practice your on friends and family members or even in front of the mirror.
If you remember that fear is just a feeling, it loses much of its power. It can't harm you and in fact can keep you safe in potentially dangerous situations. Like not walking down that dark alley at night.
Look at the pros and cons in any situation on a case by case basis. You may see that any negative consequences are not as bad as you think. This may be a time to ignore your fear and go for it! The point isn't to go wild and start doing everything without considering the consequences, but rather realize whether your fear is justified or not.
Visit Enhanced Living With Hypnosis for help in all area's of your life.