Sunday, 21 March 2010

Awake Hypnosis Techniques That Allow You to Enter Hypnosis Whenever You Choose

Most of us have experienced hypnosis at one time or another. Have you ever daydreamed or "spaced out"? Have you had the experience of arriving at a destination and not remembering the drive? Has a friend spoken your name urgently, then told you he or she had already called you three times? These are all examples of open-eyed hypnosis. It's the same as self hypnosis except that your eyes are open and you are still able to do things.

Using open-eyed hypnosis techniques gives you access to the benefits of self hypnosis at any time you are awake. You don't have to set aside time to be alone and quiet, and you can receive almost continuous reinforcement for your goals. Many people spend time in hypnosis every day, but they don't take advantage of that time to give themselves positive suggestions the way they would during planned self hypnosis. Do you daydream during your long commute? Why not use the time to influence your subconscious mind instead! Relax and give your mind positive suggestions.

A disadvantage of open eyed hypnosis (versus traditional self hypnosis) is that your depth of hypnosis will fluctuate due to external events, especially visual cues. Deeper levels of self hypnosis allow for more powerful suggestions. However, even though it may be shallow, you can be in hypnosis while wide awake for much greater lengths of time. The additional time makes up for lack of depth in many cases.

The depth of waking hypnosis varies; you may be at a functional, medium, or deep level. The deep level is very similar to self hypnosis since it reduces your ability to interact with the environment. You will probably avoid talking to people and may choose to close your eyes to prevent loss of concentration.

If you are in the medium level of open-eyed hypnosis, you can interact with other people, although your thoughts and speech may be slower. You may also watch TV or carry out other simplified tasks such as washing dishes. At this level, you are incapable of driving a car or doing any other potentially dangerous activity. If you are driving, working with machinery, or doing other dangerous tasks, you should not go deeper than functional waking hypnosis.

The functional level is the closest to normal consciousness. At this level of, you are able to carry out most activities, including working, driving, and speaking to others. At the same time, you are in a relaxed state and you can give yourself positive suggestions just as in self hypnosis.

You may find that a combination of waking hypnosis during the day, along with several self hypnosis sessions during the week, is the most effective way to reach the goals or make the changes you desire. Remember to give yourself positive suggestions and to use visualization as often as possible, and soon you will create success for yourself through hypnosis.

Pop over to and claim your FREE hypnosis recording. You will also get a brand new hypnosis MP3 every single month delivered straight to your inbox to help you continue to access your inner resources. From Rachel Ford - Clinical Hypnotherapist & Personal Change Coach

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