If you're just getting started with hypnotizing people, you're bound to run into a ton of what can only be described as junk.
Everybody and his uncle have been publishing "how to hypnotize anyone in 5 minutes" courses, and trying to learn from them is similar to someone purchasing the National Enquirer to learn how to be a journalist.
Here are some disturbing facts about hypnosis:
- many people can in fact be hypnotized against their will - and made to do things they normally wouldn't do. The "nice" hypnotists hide this from everyone
- hypnosis can be (and often is) disguised in other forms, like "NLP" or "auditing"
- there is no such thing as an accredited, accepted "hypnosis degree"
- there are underground schools that teach "black arts hypnosis" - but finding them is next to impossible.
The content in most courses is not only convoluted but downright disturbing. One could learn hypnosis better at a cheap carnival exhibition. Think I'm exaggerating?
OK - here is one method that you can put to work immediately - and you won't find it in the "acceptable" or "happy" hypnosis training out there.
Instant Trance Induction: Instead of trying to spout hypnotic language patterns or inductions at someone, simply face them, match their breathing, then go into trance yourself. Watch what happens.
It's that easy, and that powerful. The underground groups are not pleased that this sort of information is starting to leak out, so it would be best to check out 'Underground Hypnosis' now while you still can.
Don't waste your time with the usual "Hypnosis for Sissies" crap - click here to learn how to really hypnotize anyone, anytime: http://forbiddenpatterns.com/uh.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_Ellis
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