Sunday, 4 April 2010

How Self Hypnosis Will Help You

Author: Cindy Locher

There's an old Chinese proverb that states: "One picture is worth a thousand words." In conveying suggestions to the subconscious, we have found that picture images are more effective than the words that are implanted. For example, it isn't sufficient to say, "I will be confident." The words must be augmented by a picture of yourself as the confident person you want to be. If you say, "I can't visualize myself as a confident person because I have never been that way," you can "borrow" those personality traits that you want for yourself. Imagine yourself endowed with the characteristics of some confident person that you know. The qualities that you seek may even be borrowed from a famous person. If this isn't possible, make up a personality which is a composite of all the things you want to be. See yourself walking, talking and carrying on activities. Keep fortifying this image with the mental suggestions that are needed. It won't be long before these mental impressions give rise to the confident feelings tha t you seek. As you keep implanting these images, they will become a natural part of your conscious personality. Many people expect immediate results when they begin to use self-hypnosis. If they don't get the results they anticipated immediately, they want to know "what's wrong?" My answer is usually that "nothing is wrong" and that they need only keep at it. Certainly, you don’t become a proficient musician, actor or athlete because you have mastered the basic techniques. It takes time to acquire proficiency and results. Let me assure you that anyone using and applying this technique can benefit from it. One of the troubles in dealing with any problem is getting past resistance. You can incorporate posthypnotic corrective measures in the suggestions that you give yourself. However, I believe that they must be dealt with on a conscious level as well. You must believe that you can conquer your difficulties no matter how long you have had them. If you are prepared to work with self-hypnosis in a consistent ma nner, you will achieve the self-help that you seek. Now and then, you can anticipate a setback in your progress, but this should not discourage you from your overall task. Resistance is an indication that you are growing and reaching outside your comfort zone. Recognize this and you will begin to greet resistance positively, as an indication that your therapy is working. Then you can simply release it with love and continue on your progress. Recognize and be grateful for the progress you have already made. If you have a "let-down" because you expected quicker and more dramatic results, remember that this is a common feeling. Remember, also, how long you have had the problem. No doubt, you have tried other methods and became discouraged because you weren't making the progress you had anticipated. You dropped the idea and landed back where you started. Make up your mind, consciously, that you will work with untiring sincerity and perseverance. I know of no therapy that leads straight to positive results with out obstacles and intermittent setbacks. Success comes in spite of intervening failures because the ultimate direction has been clearly thought out and charted. Self-hypnosis will finally work because you are constantly conditioning your subconscious to react in a positive, constructive manner. The program must, of necessity, become automatic in nature. When it does, you will suddenly find yourself feeling the way you wanted to and doing the things that you set out to do with the aid of self-hypnosis. You actually cultivate those feelings that you want. Self-hypnosis works because we are able to condition ourselves to various stimuli. We condition ourselves consciously and unconsciously to many activities. When we experience anxiety, it stems from a conditioning process which could have been conscious or unconscious. In self-hypnosis, the individual consciously works toward implementing and strengthening his own inherent strength and resources. These objectives, when attained, result in feelings of confidenc e, relaxation, self-mastery and well-being. Furthermore, hypnosis utilizes a natural mental process. We all know that placebos work very well in numerous cases. The dictionary defines the word placebo as, "an inactive substance or preparation, administered to please or gratify a patient, also used in controlled studies to determine the efficiency of medicinal substances." Many controlled experiments have shown that people achieve similar results whether they take a placebo (which they think is the real medication) or real medication that was prescribed. Many such tests have been carried out with antihistamines to prevent colds. The results were always the same. We are interested in what makes the placebo act as effectively as the true medication. It stands to reason that a chain reaction is set up, actually causing a physiological result from a psychological reaction. The unsuspecting patient declares, "I've never felt so good in my life." Yet, this would never have happened if he didn't think he was taking the marvelous new medicine. A recent scientific study by one of the leading pharmaceutical houses concluded that one third of the effectiveness of any medication depends upon the faith and trust that the patient has in the prescribing physician. I am sure that the placebo results and the patient's faith in the physician as contributing factors to the effectiveness of medications do not come as a revelation. We are all aware of such information. Our problem is how to harness this unconscious process for constructive goals. The answer is through self-hypnosis.

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About the AuthorCindy Locher, C.Ht., is a Clinical Hypnotherapist living and working in Minnesota. Cindy's passions are helping others find health through natural, holistic means. She specializes in hypnotherapy for such issues as insomnia, weight loss, smoking cessation, tinnitus, stage fright, and release of fears and phobias. Visit her on the web at

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