Sunday 9 May 2010

Can Hypnosis Help With Blushing?

Author: Mark C Roberts

Excessive blushing is a relatively common problem that many people endure. The condition can be embarrassing, leading to even more redness in the face. Merely anticipating a blush can lead to a facial blushing. Many people want to stop blushing but they simply do not know how. Shyness Many associate facial blushing with shyness. While many shy individuals experience problem with blushing, the two conditions may exist independently of one another. A shy person does not necessarily blush easily. Blushing, however, is an indicator that a person is shy by nature. Some people can easily identify a shy person because of blushing problems. This doesn’t mean that everyone who blushes is shy. Social Phobia Excessive facial blushing can also be an indicator of a social phobia. The individual is so overwhelmed with certain situations that he becomes red in the face. Blushing is not significant in the diagnosis of a social phobia. A person with social anxiety or social phobia exhibits a number of different symptoms. Blushing is just one of several criteria that must be met in order for a diagnosis to be made. Severity Blushing problems come in a wide spectrum of severity. Many people have no problem with the occasional blush. They may adopt it as an endearing aspect of their personality. These cases are quite simple and do not interfere with everyday activities. Those who experience excessive blushing may feel overwhelmed. They may try to avoid social situations and it can interfere with the person’s ability to function properly on a daily basis. When to Seek Help There are a few approaches to consider when you want to find ways to stop blushing. The first step is to determine when to seek help. The very thought of wanting to address this problem is a serious indicator that you are ready to choose a treatment approach. If your tendency to blush is so overwhelming that it causes you anxiety, then it is time to seek help for the condition. There is no need to feel stress about a condition when there are simple approaches that can help you overcome it. The thought of blushing may interfere with your daily activities. You may avoid approaching people because you are afraid of turning red. If you avoid social situations for fear of blushing, you may be ready to seek help. Some people seek help for the condition when they feel it interferes with their careers. High profile positions call for confidence. Blushing can disrupt your confidence. Your Options There are a few choices to consider when addressing this problem. You can opt for invasive surgery or medications. These approaches may not be appealing to anyone who wants to avoid anything extreme. Side effects of the medications are another consideration to make. Hypnotherapy is another approach that is noninvasive and has no side effects. This is a favorite therapy for people who want to stop blushing. Using Self Hypnosis To Conquer Your Blushing Problem As previously mentioned, hypnotherapy can be effective in helping those with a blushing problem to overcome it. You can acheive this through Self Hypnosis Recordings. One such recording is Stop Blushing by Debbie Williams; this excellent recording has Williams' ten years of experience and clinical expertise and comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee. For recordings based on other anxiety related issues or for simply more information on self hypnosis recordings follow this link: Stop Blushing Hypnosis

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About the AuthorMark Roberts has been personally and professionally interested in self improvments and hypnosis for many years.

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